Are you looking for timber beams?

A timber frame is a vital component for many properties. While steel is strong, timber beams are easier to work with and provide a solid frame that will support your home for many years. Many home builders favour timber construction because timber beams allow for wide-open spaces within a property, without the need to install supporting columns taking up the valuable indoor area. When choosing timber beams that will bear structural weight, it is vital to look for timber that has been treated and will not rot. You must also check that the timber is the correct grade so that it will not snap under pressure.   

Look for the stamp 

Appearances can sometimes be deceptive. You can't walk around your local timber merchant and select timber that looks strong. The timber beams you buy must be approved structural timber that has been graded to demonstrate that it is strong enough to fulfil the required role. All timber beams intended for structural purposes will be stamped with a grading level to indicate the weight they can safely be expected to bear before bending or snapping. Sometimes, a qualified inspector will have examined the timber before stamping it. At other times, the timber will have passed through a grading machine and been fully tested before receiving a stamp.

Consider workability 

Both softwood and hardwood can be structural timber beams. Hardwood beams are often preferred for especially long spans, but on many other occasions, softwood timber beams are a better choice. Softwood beams are strong, but they are far more workable. Instead of struggling to cut a hardwood timber to the desired size, choose a softwood timber, and you can trim and shape it in whichever way you want it using basic tools that you probably already have on hand. The easier it is to work with your chosen beams, the quicker it will be to complete the job, and the lower the overall cost.

Consider laminate 

It's easy to think of structural timber beams as a choice between hardwood and softwood, but there is another alternative. All timber will contain some natural imperfections. There will be blemishes in the wood, and perhaps knots are present in the length of the beam. Imperfections can reduce the overall strength of the beam, making it unsuitable for many purposes. Instead of rejecting wood with these blemishes, it is possible to use the timber to create a laminate. As laminate lacks the imperfections of natural wood, it is far more durable and stronger than a conventional timber beam.

Keep these tips in mind when looking for timber beam suppliers near you.

About Me

Mike's Manufacturing Blog

Welcome to my blog! My name is Mike and I live in a small town in New South Wales, Australia. Last year, I retired from my job at the local bank. At first, I thought I would enjoy having the freedom to do what I liked with my time, but I quickly became bored. I started to visit my son who runs an industrial manufacturing plant. I would spend my time hanging out with him in his office and walking around the factory. I learnt an awful lot while I was there and it really got me interested in the manufacturing process so I decided to start a blog.


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